Health Topics

  • India. Maharashtra. Mumbai. Sanjay Gandhi National Park and surroundings. People live with the threat of leopard attacks. © Florian LangIndia. Maharashtra. Mumbai. Sanjay Gandhi National Park and surroundings. People live with the threat of leopard attacks. © Florian Lang

    *Air Pollution

  • Rohingya boys rest after a fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps leaving 45k displaced overnight.Rohingya boys rest after a fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps leaving 45k displaced overnight.

    *Adolescent health

  • A nurse at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok takes a blood sample from a pregnant woman. The blood will be screened for infectious disease including hepatitis B. Thailand has a rigorous screening program for pregnant women. Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2019.A nurse at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok takes a blood sample from a pregnant woman. The blood will be screened for infectious disease including hepatitis B. Thailand has a rigorous screening program for pregnant women. Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2019.

    *Blood safety and availability

  • WHO IPC for health staffWHO IPC for health staff

    *Antimicrobial resistance

  • Blood Pressure check-up / NCD managementBlood Pressure check-up / NCD management

    *Cardiovascular diseases

  • Rohingya in Bangladesh - oral cholera vaccinationRohingya in Bangladesh - oral cholera vaccination


  • On 22 March 2021 a fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps leaving 45k displaced overnightOn 22 March 2021 a fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps leaving 45k displaced overnight

    *Child health

  • Blood sugar / diabetes check up campaignBlood sugar / diabetes check up campaign


  • WHO delivering emergency kits after a fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps leaving 45k displaced overnight.WHO delivering emergency kits after a fire broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps leaving 45k displaced overnight.


  • India. Assam. Bongaigaon. Falani Khatun (30) is spreading out rice to dry. The harvested and unpeeled rice must first be cooked and then dried. Only then will he be peeled. Due to a flood in recent weeks, her family has lost 1000kg of their rice harvest. The family has applied state flood relief, as parts of their house were destroyed. They do not yet know if they will get the aid payments approved. © Florian LangIndia. Assam. Bongaigaon. Falani Khatun (30) is spreading out rice to dry. The harvested and unpeeled rice must first be cooked and then dried. Only then will he be peeled. Due to a flood in recent weeks, her family has lost 1000kg of their rice harvest. The family has applied state flood relief, as parts of their house were destroyed. They do not yet know if they will get the aid payments approved. © Florian Lang

    *Climate change

  • Rohingya camps at Cox's Bazar, BangladeshRohingya camps at Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh


  • WHO is fostering peer to peer support and knowledge exchange on the full spectrum of the COVID-19 illness, from screening to rehabilitation, to optimize clinical health careWHO is fostering peer to peer support and knowledge exchange on the full spectrum of the COVID-19 illness, from screening to rehabilitation, to optimize clinical health care

    *Disability and rehabilitation

  • Facilities maintain essential health services after fire broke out in the refugee campsFacilities maintain essential health services after fire broke out in the refugee camps

    *Diagnostic imaging

  • A pentavalent vaccine, that gives protection against five infectious diseases including Hepatitis B. High coverage with Hepatitis B vaccine has led to Thailand achieving Hepatitis B control in children. Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2019 .A pentavalent vaccine, that gives protection against five infectious diseases including Hepatitis B. High coverage with Hepatitis B vaccine has led to Thailand achieving Hepatitis B control in children. Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2019 .

    *Essential medicines

  • Water sample being collected from Rohingya refugee campsWater sample being collected from Rohingya refugee camps

    *Emergency preparedness and response

  • Training of vaccinators before the first OCV campaign in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.Training of vaccinators before the first OCV campaign in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

    *Education and training (health workforce)

  • Healthy eating children.Healthy eating children.

    *Food Safety

  • *Family planning

  • Indien. Uttar Pradesh. Kanpur. Fisherman on the Ganges. © Florian LangIndien. Uttar Pradesh. Kanpur. Fisherman on the Ganges. © Florian Lang

    *Health and the environment

  • Advice to the publicAdvice to the public

    *Hand Hygiene

  • *Health promotion

  • Staff at the Taldeaw Health Promotion Hospital organize their files - they keep colour-coded files for each village they serve. Khaeng Koi district, Saraburi province, Thailand. August 2019.Staff at the Taldeaw Health Promotion Hospital organize their files - they keep colour-coded files for each village they serve. Khaeng Koi district, Saraburi province, Thailand. August 2019.

    *Health data and information systems

  • Vials at Terre des hommes’ health facility, in Teknaf, is one of the results of waste segregation at the source of generation at Terre des hommes’ health facility, in Teknaf, is one of the results of waste segregation at the source of generation

    *Health care waste

  • 24 year old Abdul Gufur is WHO Health Field Monitor in Ukhiya24 year old Abdul Gufur is WHO Health Field Monitor in Ukhiya

    *Health workers

  • Supported by WHO, the laboratory is being instrumental to provide testing and timely diagnosis for COVID-19 for Cox’s BazarSupported by WHO, the laboratory is being instrumental to provide testing and timely diagnosis for COVID-19 for Cox’s Bazar

    *Health technology and laboratory

  • WHO Head of Sub-Office Dr Kai von Harbou visiting Hope Field HospitalWHO Head of Sub-Office Dr Kai von Harbou visiting Hope Field Hospital

    *Hospitals and health facilities

  • WHO designated HIV drug resistance genotyping laboratory - Hazardous Pathogen Laboratory, National Institute of Health, Department of Medical Sciences. MOPH, ThailandWHO designated HIV drug resistance genotyping laboratory - Hazardous Pathogen Laboratory, National Institute of Health, Department of Medical Sciences. MOPH, Thailand

    *HIV/AIDS and STIs

  • At the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, this counsellor talks to a pregnant woman about infectious disease, including hepatitis B. In Thailand, all pregnant women are screened for hepatitis B - an infection that is becoming increasingly rare in Thailand. All Thai newborns receive a birth dose of hepatitis B followed by three additional doses by six months of age. The WHO SEAR region has verified Thailand as having controlled Hepatitis B (in July 2019) together with Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2019.At the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, this counsellor talks to a pregnant woman about infectious disease, including hepatitis B. In Thailand, all pregnant women are screened for hepatitis B - an infection that is becoming increasingly rare in Thailand. All Thai newborns receive a birth dose of hepatitis B followed by three additional doses by six months of age. The WHO SEAR region has verified Thailand as having controlled Hepatitis B (in July 2019) together with Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. August 2019.


  • Influenza Outbreak in MaldviesInfluenza Outbreak in Maldvies


  • India. Maharashtra. Mumbai. Sanjay Gandhi National Park. In an Adivasi (Tribal) village inside Sanjay Gandhi National Park a women is cooking. People here live with the constant threat of leopard attacks. Sandjay Gandhi National Park has the highest density of wild Leopards in the world. © Florian LangIndia. Maharashtra. Mumbai. Sanjay Gandhi National Park. In an Adivasi (Tribal) village inside Sanjay Gandhi National Park a women is cooking. People here live with the constant threat of leopard attacks. Sandjay Gandhi National Park has the highest density of wild Leopards in the world. © Florian Lang


  • Mousimi Rani Das is a Paramedic 
 and vaccinator in UkhiyaMousimi Rani Das is a Paramedic 
 and vaccinator in Ukhiya
